Friday, September 28, 2007

A azing

Have you have ever been the receiver of that perfect corner piece of ooey gooey brownie, the one with the perfectly crisp edges and the melted center? Well, my friends, the invention of this marvelous piece of baking gold is here to guaranteed that you will never long after the 4 sole corner pieces again.

Behold, the edgiest brownie maker on the planet (and I'm pretty sure it'll make a mean lasagna in a couple of months):

Not only is this the only device for the perfect edge, it is also great for the myriad of taste buds in your house. This little number was dark chocolate with peanut butter chips throughout and an extra bonus of roasted pecans on half, for the hubby of course, leaving the other half pristine.

But don't thank me, talk to the folks at Baker's Edge for bringing us this glorious tool. And the recipe in the package isn't too bad either!


Amanda Jean said...

that has got to be the best baking invention ever! all edge pieces....perfect.

hope you weekend is going well, Lindsay. :)

Anonymous said...

nothing like crispy, chewy brownie edges...who needs the middles? great idea, can't wait to try it!
nancy b

Thimbleanna said...

I've seen this pan before and I WANT ONE!!! The edge brownies are the best!

david mcmahon said...

... and you didn;t tell me to come over because.....?????!!!!

Brilynn said...

I wasn't sold on having all corner piece brownies, but then you mentionned lasagna and I decided I had to have one of these pans!