Friday, October 19, 2007

Colors the way mother nature intended them to be

Write presentation for my students, check.
Grade responses and create rubrics, check.
Finish midterms, check.
Finalize paper for psychometric theory, check.
Write up research...check, kind of.
Post about something fun we have made/eaten as of late to remind my mom that I am, in fact, getting some sort of nourishment while I work 12 hours a day, OOPS!

It is rather easy to get bogged down with life, but it is more important (in my humble opinion, of course) to remember to take time to enjoy a meal with those you love, namely the darling hubby.

Roasted Butternut Squash Soup*
(I like mine with a ripe cherry tomato for a contrasting sweet, fresh burst of flavor)

Last week a near perfect butternut squash jumped into my hands while I strolled the farmers market, only to be neglected on our kitchen table for the coming week. Thankfully they stay fresh, unlike the countless tomatoes I have had to turn into sauce after certain neglect.

(Hubsband is more old fashioned. i.e., if it ain't broke, don't fix it!)

Last weekend was it's time to shine as we created a thick and creamy butternut squash soup. It was originally going to be used in a fun gnocchi recipe that we will share later in the season, but this soup was really outstanding. If you don't trust me, ask my sister in law who nearly swooned after trying some. And the best part? It's so very simple.

*Follow the bold title for the recipe =)


Anonymous said...

I know with all your checks on your list, the last one was in regards to your mother not worrying about you getting your nourishment while staying so busy...the only thing missing from that statement (check list) is the fact that your mother is lacking nourishment by not sharing in your fabulous food creatings...get the message???
Nancy B

Amanda Jean said...

you have been a busy lady!

I'm not sold on the idea of butternut squash soup. it sure does have a great color though.

Lindsay Blau Portnoy said...

Not enough checks have been checked off, but I cannot neglect my tiny kitchen....

The soup is fantastic! I wish you could stop by to taste a bit :) Maybe you should try it roasted first. If you cut it up in small square and roast it in the oven it is quite lovely!